Monday, May 4, 2009

Ontario Pork

Well - first it was Mad-Cow affecting beef sales and imports from all across Canada, then we had the bird-flu, we have finally put that to rest and now "The Swine Flu" has hit one farm in Alberta. In light of this news, at least 10 countries including China have put a ban on all Canadian Pork including farms here in Ontario.

Now I understand that people and countries have to take precautions to protect themselves and their citizens, but I feel you should do so only after you have all the scientific facts and if pork from all parts of the country is proved to be a danger, then go ahead and impose your restrcictions,

In today's economy, by outrightly banning products to be shipped to a country can cripple an industry. Thankfully the United States and Japan who are Canada's largest importers of Pork have remained committed to Canadian Pork.

As this Flu Epidemic, hopefully does not become an pandemic, and hopefully fades to the background. I encourage you to seek out stores and butchers that sell local Ontario Pork and serve it to your family. Your local farmers will thank you.

Thanks for listening and have a great day.

Chef Tim

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